Call automation for data driven teams | FreJun

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HubSpot Integration

Align and reach objectives of sales, marketing and support teams using FreJun’s HubSpot Integration

Click to call directly from HubSpot
Click to call directly from HubSpot
Making calls from HubSpot
Making calls from HubSpot
Adding call reason, call outcome and call notes to calls from HubSpot
Adding call reason, call outcome and call notes to calls from HubSpot
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Make calls from your HubSpot account using FreJun-HubSpot integration. Improve the business of your teams through call automation.


  • Click to call: Make calls from HubSpot CRM with a single click. Just click on the call button next to the phone numbers in HubSpot. FreJun will take care of the rest.
  • Call Records: All the incoming and outgoing calls get logged under the contact’s activity for easy access and review.
  • Call insights: The user can add more information such as call reason and call outcome to each call.
  • Daily call analytics: Managers receive Daily call reports and Analytics for training purposes.


  • FreJun’s HubSpot integration makes it easier to make calls from your HubSpot account. All incoming and outgoing calls get logged under the contact’s profile. Track the progress in sales, marketing and support using this data.
  • Metadata like call reason, call outcome and notes are added to the contact’s activity in HubSpot. This information, along with the call recording, can be used to understand the call’s context and creates a smooth call.
  • Make your business completely mobile by making calls from any location, experience high-quality calls and high call pick-up rates from the FreJun android app, and get the calls logged in HubSpot.

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