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Setup and Authorization

FreJun supports the OAuth 2.0 standard for Authorization. On filling this form, you will be provided with the Client ID & Client Secret for your application.
These credentials can then be used to create access and refresh tokens to authorize your application with FreJun's API.


The following details are required when filling out the form.

NameName of your App
Redirect/Callback URIUsers will be redirected to this URL after granting access to your app

Once the submitted details are verified, an app would be created and the necessary credentials will be provided.

Connecting your application with FreJun

  1. Build the Authorization URL with your application's client_id and redirect the user there. It should look like this:<client_id>
  2. Once the user reaches the Authorization page, they will be prompted to log in to FreJun (if not logged in already) and will be redirected to a consent page where they can Accept or Decline.
  3. On Accepting, the user will be redirected to the callback URL provided while creating the app with code attached as a query param: <callback_url>?code=<authorization_code>
  4. On Declining, the user will be redirected to the callback URL provided while creating the app with code attached as an empty string: <callback_url>?code=
  5. The code obtained can be used to create Access & Refresh tokens by invoking the create token endpoint.

The authorization code is only valid for 10 minutes.